A Love Bump session from 2010...I can now laugh about this one. Chelsey is one of my HS buddies and I was so excited when she contacted me to do her love bump session.
I traveled to the area where she lives and she had some really cool spots picked out. Our first spot was in a wooded area with a beautiful stream and the second spot was a bunch of weeds. As I was taking the pictures I was joking about how I needed to go on a diet and workout b/c I was so out of shape. I could barely catch my breath. I felt like I was the pregnant one...lol! Anyways, the third spot was an old barn with weeds galore. I didn't even think about poison ivy or what could be on the weeds, I just started pulling with my bare hands (BIG mistake!!). We ended the session in the baby's nursery and by then I was whipped and finally able to catch my breath.
Well, three days later I started breaking out with little red bumps on my wrist (which I thought was poison ivy and treated it with cortizone). By the following week it was all over my my arms, neck and face. I had to go to the doctor and well he said it wasn't poison ivy and that I had hay mites (which live on the weeds)...OMG, I just about crawled out of my skin!!! He gave me meds and I was on the road to recovery. This was a BIG lesson learned and I will now wear long sleeves and pants during my sessions in the weeds.
Remember when I was so out of breath...well, I had my very first allergy appointment on December 1st and found out that I'm allergic to every tree, weed, grass, dust mites...everything!!!!! My back looked horrible when they tested me. So that is why I couldn't breath...lol!!!
Anyways, Chelsey was such a beautiful preggo momma and now has a baby girl to hold in her arms. Baby Ella is BEAUTIFUL like her momma!!!
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